Dorothy Mae Miesel

March 4, 1925 ~ January 14, 2000

Beloved daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend....

We learn in the Retreating
How vast an one
Was recently among us ~
A Perished Sun.

Endear in the Departure
How doubly more
Than all the Golden presence
She was ~ before ~

~Emily Dickinson~

Our Memories

"Babe" and Her Family

Dorothy and Rolland

Mom and her Children

Grandma and her Grandchildren

Picture Album of Grandma and Lisa (Lark)

Another Tribute Page to Dorothy

Adopted Angels


Angel Standing By

All through the night I'll be standing over you
All through the night I'll be watching over you
And through the bad dreams I'll be right there, baby
Holding your hand, telling you everything is all right
And when you cry I'll be right there
Telling you you were never anything less than beautiful
So don't you worry
I'm your Angel standing by


Crescendo is playing "Angel Standing By" by Jewel

Condolence Book

Please do not remove any of these images
(i.e. pictures, background set, graphics)...
they are exclusively for this site!

Created, with love, on January 24, 2000
Last updated on February 14, 2000
Copyright © 2000 Lark of Evening Primrose Creations