Dottie and Roll
Dorothy and Rolland's engagement picture...
Dorothy was introduced to my grandfather, Rolland Leigh Miesel, when she was
18 (I think!), by Roll's sister, Marvis, who was Dorothy's best friend from high school. Roll was going to seminary school in Columbus, OH, at the time, and he came down every weekend to see Dorothy for four years while he was in school...isn't that romantic? :)
Dorothy and Rolland were married by my great-grandfather, Rev. Walter Miesel, on June 5, 1946, in a beautiful candlelight ceremony. My grandma often told me stories about her wedding day and how hard it was to actually have her wedding since it was right after WWII, making it hard to find material for wedding and bridesmaids' dresses. :)
My grandparents had a very special relationship...they loved each other deeply and were "soulmates" in every sense of the word. They did disagree and have their quarrels, but underneath it all was a steady, abiding love for each other. :)
Babe holding a picture of Roll...isn't she silly?! :)
Babe and Roll during their "courting years"...
Dorothy and Rolland's Wedding Day ~ June 5, 1946
Dottie and Roll, circa 1950's...
Pastor Miesel and wife Dorothy, 1961...
Dottie and Roll, 1961...
~*When Lark finds a color scanner, pictures from 1970's to present will be added!*~
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they are exclusively for this site!
Created, with love, on January 24, 2000
Last updated on February 14, 2000
Copyright © 2000 Lark of Evening Primrose Creations